This article is about the major offset in workforce supply and demand in Germany. Consequently it is about migration and integration of skilled vocational employees & professionals from abroad to close the gap of approximately 240,000 workers upto 2026.
The shortage in workforce for the below specified job fields is forecasted to last at least during the next decade. Because of demographics development in leading European countries like Germany, UK and the Netherlands. With aging population there is a natural decline in european workforce. Today Germany's population counts 84,000,000 people, of which almost 15% has a migration background.
The latest Skilled Workers Survey from the German Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs BMAS, issued August 2022 (Link to News section), shows several interesting facts and trends. What are the main findings from this survey? It shows in total 36 so called clustered "focus professions", thus professions-in-high-demand as forecasted for 2026 and beyond. This means even 4 professions more than in the similar survey only one year before, which underlines the trend.
Africans between 23 and 45 years, willing to move to Germany with aligned certificates and job experience in these fields, have fairly good chances to obtain a work permit when professionally assisted on this route. The situation neighbouring countries like Austria, Switzerland, The Netherlands or UK is more or less the same.
Thus the sought-after professionals and skilled workers job fields that are most relevant for candidates from Africa and other 3rd party countries (outside European Union), we have listed below.
Additional to this list there are a few other fields like truck driving, where a lot of employers are desparately searching for personnel, despite not listed in the survey results below.
Here you go:
Building construction (Hochbau)
Construction planning and supervision, architecture (Bauplanung und -überwachung, Architektur)
Drywall construction, insulation, carpentry, glazing, roller shutter construction (Aus-,Trockenbau, Isolierung, Zimmerei, Glaserei, Rolladenbau)
Plumbing, sanitary, heating, air-conditioning technology (Klempnerei, Sanitär, Heizung, Klimatechnik)
Energy technology, renewable energy (Energietechnik)
Plastics, rubber manufacturing, processing (Kunststoff, Kautschukherstellung, verarbeitung)
Mechanical and industrial engineering (Maschinenbau- und Betriebstechnik)
Technical research & development (Technische Forschung und Entwicklung)
Technical drawing, construction, model making (Techn. Zeichnen, Konstruktion, Modellbau)
Carpenting, Woodworking and wood processing (Holzbe- und -verarbeitung)
Metal construction and welding (Metallbau und Schweißtechnik)
Electrical engineering (Elektrotechnik)
Building services engineering (Gebäudetechnik)
Floor installation (Bodenverlegung)
Physics science (Physik)
IT system analysis, user support/consulting, sales (IT-Systemanalyse, Anwenderberatung, IT-Vertrieb)
IT network engineering,-coordination,-administration,-organisation (IT-Netzwerkt.,-Koord.,-Administr.,-Organisation)
Software development and programming (Softwareentwicklung und Programmierung)
Human medicine and dentistry (Human- und Zahnmedizin)
Elderly care (Altenpflege)
Health care, nursing, rescue service, obstetrics/midwifery (Gesundheits, Krankenpflege, Rettungsdienst, Geburtshilfe)
Hospitality industry (Hotellerie)
Social work, curative care (Erziehung, Sozialarbeit, Heilerziehungspflege)
Tourism and sports (Tourismus und Sport)
Service staff in passenger transport (Servicekräfte im Personenverkehr)
Driving lessons, sports lessons, extracurricular educational institutions (Fahr-, Sportunterricht außerschul. Bildungseinricht.)
Vehicle guidance in rail traffic (Fahrzeugführung im Eisenbahnverkehr)
Technical operation railways, air traffic, ships traffic (Technischer Betrieb Eisenbahn, Luft-, Schiffsverkehr)
Property/personal/fire protection, occupational safety (Objekt-, Personen-, Brandschutz, Arbeitssicherheit)
What about if one is in Austria in Europe?
Requirements please.